Episode 7 – Fitness with Adriana Albritton

  • Tell us about yourself and your qualifications 
  • Certified personal trainer and  fitness nutrition. I also work with children. 
  • Who were some of the people who inspired you and why
  • Reading biographies and reading about people who are doing what they love. If you’re able to do something you love and speaks to you, it plays a huge part in your physical and emotional health. 
  • What is the 28 days to a new life program and book?
  •  The book addresses nutrition, fitness ad mindset. For example, if we are constantly stressed, you will struggle to lose weight. It addresses our thoughts. Our thoughts are often automatic, but we need to learn to stop and address them. When you only address one habit, you are more likely to return to previous bad habits
  • In your blog, you mentioned cultivating a healthy internal environment, What do you mean by that?
  • I consider this 2 prong approach. 1. Dealing with the imbalances and bacteria in our gut, having a diverse microbiome. 2. Dealing with our thoughts and stress . 
  • What particular challenges do you and  clients face in the Covid19 environment?
  • The lock-down seems to impact mental health. The stress and fear leads us to drink and eat more. Most of the news is negative. There is an increase in anxiety and depression. By changing our focus, we can take control of our health, even in this environment. CDC reports show that most people who are hospitalized are overweight or have at least 1 underlying health issue. 
  • Tell us about your upcoming app. FitnAll
  • My blog is FitnAll . I am working on a new website and app called Health6Fit that we will launch in the next couple months. It will be a fitness platform to include nutritionists, therapists, trainers and more to help you improve your health on a holistic level. 
  • What is your favorite healthy food?
  • Good fats like avocado and almond butter
  • What are your non negotiables?
  • I have to be active everyday, even habits like walking or stretching. I work on my mental health daily like meditation, practicing gratitude.
  • How can we connect with you or solicit your services?
  • You can find me on Instagram or my blog FitnAll