Tips To Increase Energy

It starts with quality sleep

Poor sleep leads to mental fog, low energy, weakness, weight gain and other issues. Read my previous article on how to get quality sleep. Improve your sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

Get sunlight in the morning within the hours of 6 and 9 a.m.

Expose yourself to morning sun to reset your circadian rhythm. As a result, you should fall asleep faster and sleep deeper. In fact, you should feel the early morning increase in cortisol. Moreover, the increase in cortisol should allow you to generate natural energy. I recommend that you go on a walk or practice yoga in the early morning.

Reduce use of caffeine. Overuse of caffeine can interrupt your sleep

Caffeine has a 6 hour half life. Therefore, ingesting caffeine within 6 hours of your bedtime may interrupt your sleep. Find natural solutions to increase your energy.

In fact, you may want to look into Zing Energy. They use neuro-stimulation patches to generate natural wave of energy. Visit and use code zecohealth15 to get a discount.

Reduce stress

Constant stress will keep your cortisol levels high. Cortisol is an important stress hormone, but you need to keep it balanced. Therefore, practicing yoga, listening to relaxing music and taking an evening bath are some tips to relieve stress.

Practice proper breath work

Learning how to control your breath can help you control your nervous system. Yoga and breath work may train you to slow down your heart rate. In addition, you may lower your cortisol levels and blood pressure.

Monitor your diet

On one hand, if you eat too much, you will put undue stress on your body and metabolism. On the other hand, if you do not eat enough, you run the risk of being nutrient deficient. Therefore, you should maintain a balanced diet. Focus on balancing your macros (fats, protein and carbs) and micros (vitamins and minerals). Keep in mind that you may need to supplement. As always, limit or eliminate processed foods.

Develop and maintain an exercise routine

You can get stronger and have more energy if you couple a good exercise routine with a proper diet regimen. Aim for a minimum of 5 days per week for 45 minutes. The ideal workout regimen include strength and cardio training. Above all, you may lose weight and get healthier.

6 Replies to “Tips To Increase Energy”

  1. Love this article so much. I have noticed that when I get up in the morning and go outside to check my garden that I’m generally more energetic throughout the day.

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