Exercise Intensity & Weight Management

The Importance of Exercise

Exercise is an important factor in sustained health & weight management. There are many physiological & psychological benefits to proper exercise. In this article, I will focus on aerobic vs anaerobic training. Some of the benefits overlap, but they both have some unique differences. For example, strength training is better for muscle strength & size while cardio is better for your cardiovascular system & lung capacity.

The Different Styles of Exercise

Let’s begin by listing some styles of exercise:

  1. Yoga
  2. Aerobic
  3. HIIT
  4. Strength Training
  5. Cross Fit
  6. Circuit Training
  7. Plyometrics
  8. Pilates

Each style has unique benefits that I will explain in future articles.

How To Calculate Your Max Heart Rate

There are different ways to define exercise intensity, but a universal acceptable way is based on a percentage of your max heart rate. Step 1 is figuring out your max heart rate. There are few ways to do so . The easiest method, but least accurate is 220-your age. These methods are more accurate 207-(.7*age) which is adjusted for people over 40 or 211 -(.64*age) which is adjusted for generally active people or 206-(.88*age) which is adjusted for women.

Here is an example based on a 40 year old for 211-(.64*40) leads to 211-25.6=185.4 Most fitness watches track your maximum heart rate so you do not have to concern yourself with the calculation.

If these formulas do not work for you or you are an athlete, this is a more precise method from NTNU, https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax#Test%20yourself

  1. Warm up thoroughly so you start sweating.
  2. Do two intervals, each four minutes long. During the intervals you should be too short of breath to talk. Intersperse each interval with three minutes of active rest.
  3. Start the third interval, but two minutes in, increase your speed even further an run until you’re too exhausted to continue. Your HRmax will be the highest heart rate you reach. The heart will reach a plateau at which it cannot beat any faster, regardless of how much you increase the workload.

How To Define Exercise Intensity

Once, you know your max heart rate, the next step is understanding exercise intensity based on training within a certain percentage of your max heart rate. Low intensity workouts are generally done below 80% of your max heart rate. These are usually exercises that allow constant movement like walking, jogging, swimming & strength training. High Intensity workouts are done above 80% of your max heart rate. Some of these exercises are sprinting & high intensity training (HIIT).

The Benefits of Low vs High Intensity Training

As long as you don’t get out of breath, your body is using a large percentage of fat to power its movement. Since fat is denser than carbohydrates, it requires more oxygen to be broken down and burned for energy. This is called aerobic exercise.

During high intensity training, your heart rate will rise, you will need more energy and you won’t be able to take in enough oxygen to get this energy from fat anymore. This is when the body will start burning more carbs than fat to sustain the higher pace because they are easier and faster to break down. This is called anaerobic exercise.

The Drawbacks of Too Much Exercise

According to this PubMed article titled, The Goldilocks Zone for Exercise: Not Too Little, Not Too Much, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6139866/ “Many long-term endurance athletes have personal experience with orthopedic overuse injuries—stress fractures, patellar chondromalacia, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, etc.” It goes on to say that “endurance athletes can also develop cardiac overuse injuries such as atrial fibrillation (AF), ventricular ectopy, severe bradycardia, coronary atherosclerosis, premature aging of the heart, fibrosis of the atrial and ventricular walls, and rarely even sudden cardiac death.” The article is explaining that even done in lower zones, excessive cardio an cause wear and tear on your body in many ways. Pay attention to the fact that this article mentions endurance athletes.

According to another PubMed article titled, How Much Exercise Is Too Much, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5153114/ “physical activity sometimes is accompanied by certain arrhythmias – premature beats or atrial fibrillation (AF). Less often such activity may result in life-threatening arrhythmias – specifically ventricular fibrillation.” This article also explains that there are times when too much exercise is just too much.

Another PubMed article, titled Exercise, Protein Metabolism, and Muscle Growth, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11255140/ , states that “Exercise has a profound effect on muscle growth, which can occur only if muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown; there must be a positive muscle protein balance.” Meaning that the amount & quality of the protein you eat is vital. If you eat & supplement with adequate protein then you can produce positive muscle protein balance, leading to lean muscle growth.

The Winning Formula

As described above there are benefits to both styles of training, however, many people focus on only 1 style of training. This leads to deficiencies in their training program. We need a healthy dose of both styles of training. The advice below will not apply to most athletes or anyone who trains for a particular competition.

The first thing to consider is how much do you train. I recommend strength training at the base of your program, especially for weight loss & building lean muscle. I generally recommend strength training, done in lower zones, at least 4 to 5 times per week.

I recommend high intensity about 2 times per week, 3 max. This will give you the benefits of anaerobic exercise. You can do high intensity as a separate session, i.e in the mornings or after a strength training session. In addition, your sessions can be short, i.e 10 minutes of intense rowing or a combination of jogging and sprinting.

The last item to consider is maintaining a positive net protein balance. This means eating adequate protein and supplementing as needed. This depends on factors such as style of training & activity level. Most healthy & active individuals can eat up to .75 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body-weight.

Two Things To Consider:

  1. Add digestive enzymes to your protocol to give your body more protease to better break down protein along with other enzymes to improve digestion. Once per day with your largest meal of the day should be sufficient. Below a Amazon link to one of the best brands on the market. https://amzn.to/3oolngf
  2. Supplement with Essential Amino Acids ( the building blocks of proteins, are compounds that play many critical roles in your body. ) & Creatine (a compound formed in protein metabolism and present in much living tissue. It is involved in the supply of energy for muscular contraction.) Adding these supplements during & post workout can boost muscle performance, strength, recovery & size while contributing to a positive net protein balance. Below is the link to one of the best on the market along with the discount code to save you 30%. https://aminoco.com/zecohealth

I use Perform to improve muscle endurance & performance & I use Heal for muscle recovery. Both products are formulated to improve muscle protein synthesis.


What is Metabolic Flexibility & Why Does it Matter

What is Metabolic Flexibility?

Metabolic flexibility means your body uses whatever fuel is available , dietary fat and stored fat, or glucose (sugar) and glycogen (sugar stores).  This means your body can use carbs or fats for fuel. The term metabolic flexibility was coined by a team of researchers in 1999 when they studied fuel selection in skeletal muscle in lean and obese individuals after an overnight fast. They studied 16 lean & 40 obese volunteers & discovered that skeletal muscle of lean individuals showed a remarkable ability to adapt to fuel preference to fasting and insulin infusions and were therefore designated as metabolically flexible.

Why is it Important To Be Metabolically Flexible?

It sounds confusing, but simply put, when you are metabolically flexible, your body is better able to adapt to energy demands breaking down the foods you eat. Someone with good metabolic flexibility utilizes carbohydrate for high intensity exercise, and switches efficiently to burning fat at low intensities, or at rest. Improved metabolic flexibility can help you achieve:

  1. Better weight maintenance
  2. Increased energy levels
  3. Better health
  4. Lower odds of developing a metabolic disease
  5. More consistent, healthy glucose levels
  6. Improved sleep
  7. Optimized workout performance

Metabolic Flexibility & Insulin Resistance

According to Metabolic Flexibility and Insulin Resistance, by The American Journal of Physiology, “the inability to modify fuel oxidation in response to changes in nutrient availability has been implicated in the accumulation of intramyocellular lipid and insulin resistance .” This means that poor metabolic flexibility can lead to lipid, aka fat build-up and insulin resistance. According to Why Does Insulin Resistance Occur in Type 2 Diabetes by Diabetes UK, “Insulin resistance is the driving factor that leads to type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and prediabetes. Insulin resistance is closely associated with obesity; however, it is possible to be insulin resistant without being overweight or obese.” It is important to note that even though insulin resistance and obesity are correlated, you can be insulin resistant and not overweight or obese.

How to Identify if Your Metabolism is Inflexible

Here are some signs to help you recognize if your metabolism is inflexible. You may experience 1 or more of these symptoms:

  1. Feeling “hangry” during fasts (10 to 14 hours)
  2. Sleepiness after meals
  3. Mid-day energy crashes
  4. You have insulin resistance, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes
  5. Being overweight
  6. Feelings of anxiety

How to Improve The Flexibility of Your Metabolism

Before I begin this section, I will stress that you do not make any dietary changes without guidance from a medical or dietary professional.

Here are some tips to begin your journey to a more flexible metabolism:

  1. Exercise

Exercise is one of the easiest ways to improve the flexibility of your metabolism. In fact, According to Metabolic Flexibility and Insulin Resistance, by The American Journal of Physiology, “lipid accumulation in skeletal muscle of sedentary people is associated with impaired insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism.” Meaning that being sedentary with an inflexible metabolism can increase lipid (fat) build-up in skeletal muscle.

2. Identify If You Are Primarily A Carbohydrate or Fat Burner

This is vital because as discussed above, a person with a flexible metabolism is able to switch between fats & carbs as needed for energy. However, a person with an inflexible metabolism may struggle to break down fats or carbs. Meaning, they can be good at breaking down fats or carbs, but not both. If you identify if you are primarily burn fats or carbs, then you can begin to understand why your metabolism is inflexible.

Here are some ways to identify if you are a sugar burner:

a. A few hours after you eat, you’re hungry

b. If you go too long between meals you feel tired or irritable aka “hangry”

c. If you often crave carbs, especially processed carbs

d. If your diet has been carb heavy for an extended period of time

Here are some ways to identify if you are a fat burner:

a. Your blood sugar stays balanced and so does your energy level

b. If you have been eating a keto, carnivore or any fat heavy diet for an extended period of time

c. If you feel discomfort like bloating when you eat carbs

All items mentioned above can be symptoms of other underlying health issues

3. Adjust Your Diet Accordingly.

Here it is important to understand that if you are a sugar burner, your body may down-regulate it’s ability to burn fats efficiently and if you are a fat burner, your body may down-regulate it’s ability to burn carbs efficiently.

A slow, balanced approach to reintroduce more of these macros into your diet seems to be the preferred approach. Over time, your body should create the appropriate enzymes, i.e amylase to break down carbs & lipase to break down fats. Most research tends to show that going from a sugar to a fat metabolism is more challenging. Scientists believe this is due to humans are born with more carb burning enzymes like amylase than any other mammals on the planet.

4. Hack Your Metabolism with Lumen

This leads me to my last point. Lumen measures the C02 levels in your breath to interpret if your body is using carbs or fats for fuel. High calorie intakes, especially as carbohydrate, increases carbon dioxide production vs energy intake from fats. Lumen provides you with a daily measurement of your source of energy: fats or carbs on a scale of 1 to 5. Based on the state of your metabolism, their nutritionists provide daily nutrition guidance via the Lumen app, to train your metabolism to burn fats & carbs efficiently. Using Lumen takes the guess work out of the equation.

Go to website https://www.lumen.me?fid=3338 & use Code zecohealth for $50 off

I take digestive enzymes, once daily, with my largest meal to give my body sufficient enzymes to promote a flexible metabolism.

Zenwise Digestive Enzymes also contains prebiotic strains & 10 probiotic strains. They support digestion, aid immune function & support food guthealth.

Click below to purchase my favorite digestive enzymes from Amazon


The Zeco Recommendation Page

My name is Narado Zeco Powell.

I have 7 certifications in nutrition, fitness & weight management.

I am the host of The ZecoHealth Show where we teach you to manage your bodyweight by improving your health.

This page includes all supplements I recommend for health, fatloss, energy and more. Along with discount codes so you can save money on some of the best supplements available.

Before making any dietary changes, please consult a medical professional. My recommendations do not replace any advice given by your medical professional & pay attention to any allergies.

Here is the list:

  • LyfeFuel– Most meal replacement shakes all share the same common problem — too much of what you’re already getting from food, not enough nutrition. The Essentials Nutrition Shake is the only shake designed to fill the most common nutritional gaps of modern diets, giving you more of what you need and less of what you don’t.
  • Lumen– This device reads the state of your metabolism and give you personalized nutrition recommendations to make your metabolism flexibile.
  • The Amino Co– EAAs are most powerful when consumed in exact ratios. Their research in grounded in the development of precise EAA profiles. Once perfected, thier profiles deliver optimized, targeted, & truly unparalleled health results.
    • Website: https://aminoco.com/zecohealth
    • Discount: Use code zecohealth for 30% off.
    • Perform- for peak athletic performance
    • Heal- for injury, surgical & post workout recovery.
  • Colorado Botanicals- Their CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) tinctures are extracted from our genetic specific hemp strains to retain a wide range of cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, & CBN along with terpenes & flavonoids for True Broad Spectrum
  • Earth & Moon- An Earth and Moon Grounding Mat is a simple but powerful way to connect to the Earth when you can’t be outside in nature. Incorporate the practice of grounding into your everyday life, without changing your routine.
    • Website:
    • Discount Code: Use code zecohealth for 10% discount off their products
  • Natural Cure Labs- Research shows that monolaurin is an effective killer of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Natural Cure Labs a leader in research-driven dietary supplements, including Monolaurin. Premium ingredients, quality formulas, and naturally-derived ingredients.

Movement and Weight-loss

It is vital to stay active to lose weight

Many of us think that staying active means working out at the gym or going on a run. These activities are important for health and weight-loss, but what about the other 16 hours or so that we spend awake? Working out for a brief period is not enough if you want to become efficient at losing weight. In other words, you need to move more during your day.

Sitting can lead to weight gain

We spend too much of our day sitting. We often spend too much time on the couch, driving, working at our desk and other sedentary activities. As a result, our bodies do not burn enough of the food we eat. In other words, our bodies are more likely to store extra calories in the form of body fat.

Ways to stay active:

  • Do not sit for more than an hour at a time
  • Take a minimum of 10 thousand steps per day.
  • Buy a fitness watch or download an app to track your steps
  • Participate in fun activities that promote movement i.e dancing, swimming and biking.
  • When you are working out at the gym, walk while resting instead of sit.

Stay active through-out your day and you may burn an extra 500 calories or more. In other words, move more if you want to lose weight.

Tips To Increase Energy

It starts with quality sleep

Poor sleep leads to mental fog, low energy, weakness, weight gain and other issues. Read my previous article on how to get quality sleep. https://zecohealth.com/are-you-struggling-to-get-quality-sleep/ Improve your sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

Get sunlight in the morning within the hours of 6 and 9 a.m.

Expose yourself to morning sun to reset your circadian rhythm. As a result, you should fall asleep faster and sleep deeper. In fact, you should feel the early morning increase in cortisol. Moreover, the increase in cortisol should allow you to generate natural energy. I recommend that you go on a walk or practice yoga in the early morning.

Reduce use of caffeine. Overuse of caffeine can interrupt your sleep

Caffeine has a 6 hour half life. Therefore, ingesting caffeine within 6 hours of your bedtime may interrupt your sleep. Find natural solutions to increase your energy.

In fact, you may want to look into Zing Energy. They use neuro-stimulation patches to generate natural wave of energy. Visit http://www.feelzing.com and use code zecohealth15 to get a discount.

Reduce stress

Constant stress will keep your cortisol levels high. Cortisol is an important stress hormone, but you need to keep it balanced. Therefore, practicing yoga, listening to relaxing music and taking an evening bath are some tips to relieve stress.

Practice proper breath work

Learning how to control your breath can help you control your nervous system. Yoga and breath work may train you to slow down your heart rate. In addition, you may lower your cortisol levels and blood pressure.

Monitor your diet

On one hand, if you eat too much, you will put undue stress on your body and metabolism. On the other hand, if you do not eat enough, you run the risk of being nutrient deficient. Therefore, you should maintain a balanced diet. Focus on balancing your macros (fats, protein and carbs) and micros (vitamins and minerals). Keep in mind that you may need to supplement. As always, limit or eliminate processed foods.

Develop and maintain an exercise routine

You can get stronger and have more energy if you couple a good exercise routine with a proper diet regimen. Aim for a minimum of 5 days per week for 45 minutes. The ideal workout regimen include strength and cardio training. Above all, you may lose weight and get healthier.

Are You Struggling to Get Quality Sleep?


Many of us struggle to sleep well at night. Poor quality sleep can affect your mood, energy level, libido, strength, mental alertness, memory and overall health. I struggled for years. I used to wake up tired even when I slept the recommended 7 to 8 hours. The tips that I am about to share will improve your sleep hygiene, which in turn will improve your sleep quality, leaving you feeling refreshed in the mornings. 

If you want to get quality sleep, you need to reset your circadian rhythm. This rhythm tells your body when it is morning, time to be awake and when it is night, time to go to sleep. Many of us do not sleep well at night or wake up in the middle of the night. The following techniques should assist in resetting your body’s natural circadian rhythm so you can fall asleep faster, sleep through the night and wake up feeling rejuvenated.

Good Sleep Hygiene Starts The Moment You Wake:

  1. Expose Yourself to Sunlight in the Morning

Majority of us do not think about preparing for bed until it is time to go to sleep. Resetting our circadian rhythm begins in the morning.  The first step in doing so is exposure to sunlight when we wake. According to Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot For Human Health “When people are exposed to sunlight or very bright artificial light in the morning, their nocturnal melatonin production occurs sooner, and they enter into sleep more easily at night.” This means that upon waking, we need to expose ourselves to light, preferably sunlight. Going for a morning walk is a good way to get early sunlight which will start your journey to better quality sleep. I recommend getting sunlight in the morning, preferebly the red-light from the rising sun. If you are unable to do so, exposure throughout the day would still be beneficial. 

  1. Have Caffeine In The Morning or Earlier in the Day

Caffeine is one the most consumed stimulants in the world. Coffee, sodas, energy drinks and many of our favorite drinks may contain this stimulant. Caffeine acts primarily on A1 and A2A receptors which are related to functions of the brain. The stomach and small intestine absorb it very efficiently and easily. According to Effects of Caffeine on Sleep Quality and Daytime Functioning by The US National Library of Medicine “Drake examined the effects of 400mg of caffeine administered at three points prior to the participants’ usual bedtime, and found that even doses within 6 hours prior to bedtime significantly disturbed sleep compared to placebos.”  Have you thought about the impact that a shot of 5 Hour Energy or a can of Redbull may have on the quality of your sleep?  

  1. Remain Physically Active

I break this into 2 parts:

1. Movement – There is a recent research in Britain that indicates that the average person spends 14 hours per day sitting. In fact, lack of movement carries negative impacts that range from weight gain to poor sleep quality. Movement is a natural way to generate energy and is a healthier option than relying on caffeine or energy drinks. Given that heavy reliance on caffeine can significantly raise your blood pressure, I recommend that you go for a 5 to 10 minute walk every hour. 

2. Working out- According to an article written by SleepFoundation.org “People sleep significantly better and feel more alert during the day if they get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week.” This equates to approximately 25 minutes per day. Daily moderate to intense exercise  improves the quality of your sleep. This allows you to wake up feeling energized.

  1. Regulate Your Stress Levels

This is one of the main reasons why daily yoga and meditation practices are beneficial. Waiting until bedtime to calm your mind may be futile. According to Stress & Insomnia, written on SleepFoundation.org, “Stress induces a range of bodily reactions in the brain and nervous system, endocrine (hormone) system, and immune system. Experts have increasingly come to identify the specific elements of the stress response that contribute to what is known as a state of hyperarousal in which the brain and body operate as if on alert.” Depending on your level of stress and/or psychological state, you may need to see a specialist such as a psychologist or a licensed therapist. Identifying and addressing your stress level can not only improve the quality of your sleep, but your overall health.

5. Get Adequate Magnesium

Research indicates that magnesium may help you fall asleep & stay asleep. What’s clear from research is that a lack of magnesium impacts sleep. Low levels of magnesium are associated with poor sleep quality and insomnia. Magnesium may help regulate neurotransmitters that are directly related to sleep. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells in your brain and body.

According to The Cleveland Clinic, you may be at risk of magnesium deficiency if you:

  • Are an older adult.
  • Have Type 2 diabetes.
  • Have a gastrointestinal disorder.
  • Have alcohol use disorder

Some studies have found that magnesium supplements can:

  • Make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Improve sleep quality.
  • Reduce symptoms of restless leg syndrome, which can interfere with a good night’s sleep.

I purchase magnesium lotions, sprays & other products from https://livingthegoodlifenaturally.com/ Use code zecohealth for 10% off their products.

We Will Now Discuss Nightly Sleep Hygiene

  1. Make sure to put into play the 5 techniques mentioned above and make them a part of your daily routine.
  2. Spend time 10 to 15 minutes in the red-light of the setting sun. The red-light from the setting sun can boost melatonin production at night. Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone, but it also has many health benefits.
  3. After sunset, limit your exposure to unnatural light. The light from your phone, television and light-bulbs may be the biggest antagonist to your sleep quality. I do 3 things to limit false light after sunset. I set the blue-light filter on my phone to turn on automatically at 8 pm (there are apps that  you can download to do so as well), I put on my blue-light blocking glasses to limit my exposure to the light from the TV and light-bulbs and after taking off my glasses, I put on a sleep mask. I also have blue light blocking bulbs in my bathroom because these are the only lights I keep on after the sun goes down. Darkness boosts your body’s production of melatonin which will help you to fall asleep faster and sleep better. See the Amazon page below for blue-light blocking glasses, sleep masks and other products that can improve your sleep quality. https://www.amazon.com/shop/zecohealth?listId=1JFMITM8MQUQ8&ref=inf_list_own_zecohealth
  4. Keep your home as cool as you can tolerate. Keeping your home cool will make you feel comfortable and relaxed, and as a result, help you to fall asleep faster. 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.
  5. Start a meditation routine 30 minutes before it is time to fall asleep. If you plan to fall asleep at 10 pm, then begin at 9:30 pm. I listen to bedtime stories and/or medication podcasts on Spotify nightly. There are apps you can download and guided meditations on YouTube. Keep in mind to close your eyes and keep your sleep mask on. 
  6. Do not watch action or anything at night that would excite you. Comedies, documentaries and some dramas are good to watch at night. Remember to wear your blue-light blocking glasses.
  7. Aim to set your sleeping time to 90 minute intervals. Our bodies go through REM and non-REM in 90 minute cycles. For example, 7 and a half hours is better for your sleep quality than 8 hours. Waking up in the middle of a cycle has negative impacts on your sleep quality so set your alarm accordingly. 
  8. If you wake in the middle of the night, put on your blue-light blocking glasses if you need to expose yourself to light. Do not turn on your phone and limit exposure to loud excitable noise. 
  9. Keep the same sleep routine every night. This includes waking up and falling asleep at the same time. Keeping the same routine will train your mind to recognize when it is bedtime.
  10. Managing your blood sugar effectively may help improve your nightly rest. So, focusing on lower glycemic foods can avoid the fluctuations of high and low blood sugars that can contribute to poor sleep. If you are on a low carb diet, eating complex, healthy (low glycemic carbs) after dinner can provide your brain glucose to promote sleep quality.
Use code zecohealth for 10% discount on some of the top blue-light blockers in the industry to naturally boost melatonin & improve sleep quality