Episode227- How To Identify Signs of Nutrient Deficiency with Riley Romazko

I’m Riley and I’m no stranger to chronic illness. I’m a remote Naturopathic and Functional Practitioner that specializes in the gut. I consider myself a practitioner of the New Age. Root causes, innovative principles, and problem solving with functional labs are my game. Chronic illness and mysterious symptoms aren’t life sentences as long as you can find the right answers.

I got into this field due to my own health issues. I’ve suffered with chronic illness since birth. I’ve had chemical poisoning, childhood asthma, IBS, Gastritis, hiatal hernia, GERD & LPR, Dysbiosis, parasites, allergies, mold toxicity, MARCoNS, severe TMJD, skin issues, Interstitial Cystitis, hormonal imbalance, Lyme co-infections & other stealth microbes, chronic viruses, mood disorders, adrenal fatigue, Hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, chronic headaches, and to top it off, Cervical Dystonia, which really affected my life negatively. I’ve experienced almost every weird symptom imaginable. Despite my many struggles, I finally valued the body as my teacher.

By learning holistic principles, I completely reversed most of my issues. The body is a work in progress, but I am dedicated to it. After many years, I finally learned that I truly love the body. With my body as my teacher, I’m here to guide others to find true wellness. 


  • Doctorate of Traditional Naturopathy
  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
  • Associate of Science in Nutrition 
  • Traditional Naturopath
  • Natural Health Practitioner
  • Holistic Nutritionist 
  • Medical Assistant 
  • Personal Trainer

Apply here and find my free resources: https://linktr.ee/gutfarmacist