The Zeco Recommendation Page

My name is Narado Zeco Powell.

I have 7 certifications in nutrition, fitness & weight management.

I am the host of The ZecoHealth Show where we teach you to manage your bodyweight by improving your health.

This page includes all supplements I recommend for health, fatloss, energy and more. Along with discount codes so you can save money on some of the best supplements available.

Before making any dietary changes, please consult a medical professional. My recommendations do not replace any advice given by your medical professional & pay attention to any allergies.

Here is the list:

  • LyfeFuel– Most meal replacement shakes all share the same common problem — too much of what you’re already getting from food, not enough nutrition. The Essentials Nutrition Shake is the only shake designed to fill the most common nutritional gaps of modern diets, giving you more of what you need and less of what you don’t.
  • Lumen– This device reads the state of your metabolism and give you personalized nutrition recommendations to make your metabolism flexibile.
  • The Amino Co– EAAs are most powerful when consumed in exact ratios. Their research in grounded in the development of precise EAA profiles. Once perfected, thier profiles deliver optimized, targeted, & truly unparalleled health results.
    • Website:
    • Discount: Use code zecohealth for 30% off.
    • Perform- for peak athletic performance
    • Heal- for injury, surgical & post workout recovery.
  • Colorado Botanicals- Their CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) tinctures are extracted from our genetic specific hemp strains to retain a wide range of cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, & CBN along with terpenes & flavonoids for True Broad Spectrum
  • Earth & Moon- An Earth and Moon Grounding Mat is a simple but powerful way to connect to the Earth when you can’t be outside in nature. Incorporate the practice of grounding into your everyday life, without changing your routine.
    • Website:
    • Discount Code: Use code zecohealth for 10% discount off their products
  • Natural Cure Labs- Research shows that monolaurin is an effective killer of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Natural Cure Labs a leader in research-driven dietary supplements, including Monolaurin. Premium ingredients, quality formulas, and naturally-derived ingredients.

Oxidative Stress and Covid19

Latania Booker, MD Move Over Medicine Blog

What do diabetes, heart disease, cancer and COVID19 all have in common? The answer is oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a fancy scientific term that refers to an imbalance between the production of reactive species (ROS, reactive oxygen species and RNS, reactive nitrogen species) and the clearance or detoxification of ROS and RNS by our cells. Our cells are constantly producing and neutralizing ROS and RNS but when the balance of production and clearance is lost, damage can occur. ROS and RNS are toxic to cells, in fact, they are what our immune cells make to kill invading pathogens, such as bacteria, to fight infections. 

Some of the risk factors for developing oxidative stress are obesity, smoking, toxic exposures (to radiation, pollution, pesticides and other chemicals) and some prescription medications. There is a link between nutrition and oxidative stress as well. Many of the foods we eat every day actually put us at higher risk for developing oxidative stress and diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and the complications associated with COVID19. Can you guess which foods tip the balance in favor of oxidative stress? You guessed it! All of the usual suspects.  Consuming excessive amounts of sugar, refined grains (white flour, cornmeal, white rice, white bread, etc), bad fats (found in fried foods, high fat dairy products and certain animal protein), processed foods and alcohol can result in oxidative stress. 

Since I tested positive for COVID19, oxidative stress has been at the forefront of my mind. As a doctor, I knew that oxidative stress was the source of most of the major vascular complications of COVID19 such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and blood clots. I also knew that if I had a fighting chance against this disease, I needed to feed my cells foods that reduced oxidative stress (antioxidants) and avoid foods that promote oxidative stress. During the worst part of my illness, I found myself craving fresh berries, leafy greens and colorful vegetables, all of which have immune supportive vitamins, nutrients and oxidative stress reducing antioxidants.

The moral of the story is, if you want to add a layer of protection against COVID19 as well as chronic inflammation and chronic disease, you have to be intentional about what you eat and the things you avoid. Start by eating lots of antioxidant rich berries, vegetables and leafy greens and avoid toxic foods such as sugar, refined grains, bad fats and alcohol. You should also limit your exposure to radiation, pollution and pesticides when possible.

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The Carnivore Diet- Pros and Cons

The Carnivore Diet has been popularized recently and it makes certain claims about it’s benefits for human nutrition. This article is designed to examine some of those claims. Let’s look at some of the positives and negatives of the diet.

Let’s start with the definition:

  1. According to Healthline, “The Carnivore Diet consists entirely of meat and animal products.”

The diet consists of eating meat for all meals. I think of it as The Keto Diet on steroids.

Let’s look at some of it’s claims and research that may support the diet:

  1. The Carnivore Diet promotes weight loss:

This has been the case in just about every instance that I have witnessed.  According to Healthline’s article, All You Need to Know About The Carnivore Diet, “High protein diets can help you feel fuller for a longer period which may lead to lower calorie intake.” Simply said, you will eat less, causing you to lose weight. I can see why people have lose weight and become advocates of this diet. 

  1. It claims that all plant foods are toxic:

This is the claim that plant foods have natural defense mechanisms called lectins that can precipitate inflammation and disease. Lectins have recently gotten more exposure in the nutrition world. “Lectins can also bind to cells linerary and digestive tracts which may disrupt the breakdown and absorption of nutrients and affect the growth and action of the intestinal flora,” according to The Nutrition Source, Harvard’s T.H Chan. Advocates of The Carnivore Diet claim that the diet is gut friendly. 

  1. The Carnivore Diet will lower cases of type 2 diabetes:

 There is no secret that type 2 diabetes is an issue in the western world. The standard western diet is too high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. The constant insulin spike can lead to type 2 diabetes. Is The Carnivore Diet the solution? Researchers are studying the effects of high protein, high fat and low carb diet on diabetes. Studies on Pubmed indicate that a high protein, high fat and low carb diet can improve insulin insensitivity. On its face, it seems to be a possible solution to a serious underlying health issue. 

Things to be concerned with if you are on the Carnivore Diet:

  1. Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency

A diet that excludes plant life may lack necessary vitamins and minerals.

  1. Protein and Uric Acid Overload:

According to Dr. Christopher Labos, cardiologist at McGill’s Office for Science and Society, “eating such a high amount of animal meat, may increase your level of uric acid and may cause Gout.” There is a study done in The New England Journal of Medicine that shows that higher levels of meat and seafood are associated with increased risk of Gout. A high meat diet may put more pressure on and damage your kidneys. 

  1. High Blood Pressure: 

Simply put, eating a lot of salted meat, mainly red meat may raise your blood pressure. Have a discussion with your doctor or dietitian if you struggle to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

  1.  Cholesterol: 

This has become a controversial topic. Traditional medicine tells us that there are 2 types of cholesterol, HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL(bad cholesterol) . Traditionally, the goal is to increase your HDL and decrease your LDL. Advocates of The Carnivore Diet will say that cholesterol is not bad for you. Some even say that it is ok if your LDL cholesterol increases. 

I say it is better to err on the side of caution. Consult your doctor if you struggle to maintain a healthy level of cholesterol.

  1. Long-Term Effects:

There isn’t enough long term scientific evidence of the effects of a diet that solely relies on animal meat.

Should you follow the Carnivore Diet?

This is a loaded question. It really depends on who you ask. I sustain a gut friendly, high protein, high fat, low carb diet. We do not have enough information to determine if it is best to sustain a pure meat diet. 

If you determine to follow The Carnivore Diet :

  1. Have a serious discussion with your doctor or dietitian 
  2. Consider the pros and the cons, even beyond what is mentioned in this article. 
  3. Opt for less processed, higher quality and grass finished meat