Episode 282 Empowering Health: Understanding Cancer, Pilates, and Holistic Recovery


In this episode, weight management expert Zeco Powell interviews functional nutritionist and cancer survivor Katrina Foe.

They discuss the power of holistic health and Katrina’s journey through cancer. Katrina shares the natural remedies she used and the root causes of cancer that she discovered.

The conversation highlights the importance of addressing metabolic issues, hormones, the microbiome, angiogenesis, stress, toxins, heavy metals, mold, epigenetics, the immune system, inflammation, and mental-emotional factors in preventing and treating cancer.


Holistic health and natural remedies can play a significant role in preventing and treating cancer.

Addressing root causes such as metabolic issues, hormones, the microbiome, angiogenesis, stress, toxins, heavy metals, mold, epigenetics, the immune system, inflammation, and mental-emotional factors is crucial in cancer prevention and treatment.

Functional testing can reveal underlying issues and deficiencies that contribute to cancer development.

Epigenetics allows individuals to influence gene expression through lifestyle, diet, and supplement choices.


00:00 Introduction and Background

01:06 Katrina’s Journey and Story

10:31 Root Causes of Cancer