Episode59- Habits To Promote Quality Sleep

Welcome to another weekend short of The ZecoHealth Show 

This is Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

In this weekend’s short, I will explain how to get quality sleep 

We know by now that is a vital habit, if not the most vital habit for optimal weight management 

When I say quality sleep, I don’t just mean going to sleep & waking up, but going through proper cycles & getting deep sleep so you can recovery well so you wake up feeling amazing & ready to conquer the world 

Before I begin the episode, I want to remind you that I have launched The Zeco Recommendation Page with all products I have recommended for health, fitness & fatloss.

On at least half of these products, I have discount codes so you can save some money 

Before making any dietary changes please consult  a medical professional & be mindful of allergies 

Now, let’s get started

Getting quality sleep comes down to having an optimal circadian rhythm or circadian clock 

What is your circadian rhythm? 

Well, glad you asked

It is a natural cycle of physical, mental, and behavior changes that the body goes through in a 24-hour cycle.

This includes your hormones & neurotransmitters like cortisol & melotonin, which as we know play vital roles in getting quality sleep. 

We want our cortisol higher in the mornings & melotonin higher in the evenings

Let’s discuss how to do so:

  1. Get morning sunlight ( especially redlight from the sun)

Our ancestors knew it was when the sun came up.

For most of us in the modern world, it is the opposite, we do not get morning sunlight, but we expose ourselves to bluelight at night from the tv, cell phones, bulbs in the house, etc

So, in the mornings, preferably before 8:am, get at least 15 minutes of sun. 

That early the sun is not hot and most people should be able to expose their eyes to the sun.

This tells your body is morning time which resets your circadian clock so you can work toward balancing these important hormones.

As a caveat, unless medically necessary, do not wear sunglasses, again unless medically necessary. 

Wearing sunglasses also blocks the blue light from the sun 

  1. Try to get at least 15 minutes of sun every 2 hours

This keeps your circadian clock functioning optimally 

  1. Do your cardio or high intensity trainings in the mornings 

Being super active in the evenings or nights raises your cortisol levels, impacting your circadian clock 

Weight training can be done in the evenings, I would still say at least 5 hours before bed, but that is unique to each person

You can play with that to see how it works for you

Now, your evening habits are vital 

  1. When the sun goes down, limit your exposure to blue light

It would be ridiculous to ask most people to not watch tv or get on their phones, but here are some things you can do

Get a pair of bluelight blocking glasses 

You do not have to get expensive pairs that some biohackers get, I spend about 10 dollars for my pair from Amazon 

In fact, I have 2 pairs 1 for work to limit blue light from the computer sleep & the other that I put on when the sun goes down 

Then you can get some blue light blocking bulbs

I get mine from Amazon as well

The light in my bathroom is the only light I have on when the sun goes down

So, you may put them in other rooms, but I recommend any room that you usually turn on the light when the sun goes down

Turn on the bluelight blocking on your phone

Mine is set on a timer

It makes your screen bright orange 

For an extra measure

You can also have blue light blocking curtains in your bedroom & wear a sleep mask at night to put yourself in nightly bliss

  1. Limit brain activity 

Limit conversations & habits that excite you at night

That is why I only watch cartoons or comedies at night so no horror, drama or action movies

I sometimes read at night as well to help me relax

I read on my tablet so I always have my bluelight blocking glasses on with the bluelight blocking filter on tablet, which again comes on automatically at night 

  1. Most of us prefer to sleep in colder weather

If you can drop, the temperature in your home or sleep under a fan

I drop the temp to 68 degrees every night or 70 degrees with my ceiling fan on

  1. Do not go the bed in intense fatburn

I always explain to my clients that our brain prefers glucose, especially for sleep

Do not fall for that nonsense that if you eat carbs at night you will get fat

I explained that in last weekend’s short on The Best Time To Eat Carbs 

Go back & listen to that episode to learn more

A little glucose can set you up for success 

Some ideas are honey with Apple Cider Vinegar, a complex carb like berries of your choice or a fruit 

Do not go crazy with it, you can play with your servings until you hit your sweet spot

As a caveat, limit, if not eliminate alcohol at night 

There is countless research on how alcohol impacts brain activity & sleep patterns 

  1. Lastly, I put a link in the shownotes to my Amazon Page which has the blue light blocking & other products I recommend for quality sleep 


There you go fam

These habits can improve your, aid recovery, improvement energy, fatloss & more

Enjoy Your Weekend Fam!