Nina Manolson is a Body-Peace® coach.
She helps people end the war with food
and body and finally feel truly at home in
their body—as it is.
She is known for herdeeply feminist, anti-diet, body-peace approach.
She brings her 30 years experience as a therapist, Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach,
Body-Trust® Guide and Psychology of
Eating Teacher to helping women create a
respectful and trusting relationship with
their food and body.
Nina’s Body-Peace work is all in service of
helping people get off the diet
roller-coaster, and into a compassionate
and powerful way of eating & living which
creates a positive long-lasting change in
and with their bodies.
Her courses, coaching and poetry positively change the conversation that women are having
with their body.
She also writes Body-Poems as a way to encourage a shift in the way we talk to, and about our body.
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