Episode107- Tips To Break Through Your Plateau

Welcome to another weekend short of the Matter Over Mind Experience.

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell

Let’s discuss why you may plateau

We know how frustrating this can be 

In this weekend’s short, I will break down this topics & give you some tips to help you break through

Before I begin, remember to visit The Zeco Recommendation Page for products I recommend for health, fitness & fat-loss. 

The link in the show-notes

Before making any dietary changes, please consult a dietary or medical professional

Now, let’s begin

First, I have to say that you know your body best and there are many things that can cause plateau

Here are some possible reasons:

  1. You are too focused on calories 

Yeah, it is important to know our basal metabolic rate, but when you focus too much on cutting calories, we know that our bodies adjust by slowing down our BMR.

We refer to this as survival mode

  1. You are working out too much

You have to focus to recovery

Especially when you cut your calories too much

The combination will push your body into survival mode

Our bodies are intelligent and will adjust based on how we feed it

  1. It may be your medication

I am not asking you to stop taking medication, but certain medications do cause weight-gain

This would be a great conversation to have with your doctor on lowering your dose or changing your medication

  1. Not enough sleep

I should had mentioned this first, but quality sleep is the most important habit for our health

During this time, our bodies recover & heal itself 

Here is an article in the show-notes on how to reset your circadian rhythm and get quality sleep

  1. Stress

Stress is a silent killer 

Chronic stress keeps your body in fight or flight for excessive times

Our bodies respond by raising cortisol, which we know promotes sugar cravings, in such case chronic stress can shut down your metabolism

  1. Lastly, you are not pairing your foods properly

Listen to last week’s short where I explain how to pair our foods to maintain steady blood sugar 

As always, enjoy your weekend fam