Episode55- Proper Breathing To Promote Fatloss

The benefits of proper breathing 

Welcome to another episode of The ZecoHealth Show 

This is Weight Management Expert,  Narado Zeco Powell 

In this weekend’s short, I will break down breathing and the benefits of proper breathing for healthy, fitness & weightloss 

At the end, I will walk you through proper breathing techniques 

First, let’s discuss some benefits of proper breathing:

  1. Manage cortisol 
  2. Allows your body to have more CO2
  3. Better performance, especially in endurance training 

Now let discuss why many do not breathe properly 

To begin, most of us breathe with our chest. 

This style of breathing is shallow

Then, we breathe too fast, which it  doesn’t do us any favors with managing cortisol 

 We breathe with our mouths

If you look at our physiology, there is no natural breathing pathway through the mouth

Now, that we know this, let’s discuss proper breathing 

First, let’s stop chest breathing. 

I mean, let’s breathe with our diaphragm 

As an exercise, my clients put one hand on their chest and one on their stomach, when they breathe, their stomach rises, but not their chest.

If your stomach rises, then you are breathing with your chest which is a no no

Then only nose breathe in and out

Listen to my interview with Dr. Dave Shirazi where he explains that our bodies no not like to do anything unnecessary.

It has 2 O2 receptors,  but hundreds of Co2 receptors.

So, our bodies runs better on CO2

By breathing out with your mouth, you are releasing CO2 that your body needs

Lastly, let’s talk rate of breathing 

Most of us breathe too quickly, I generally breathe in for 3 seconds, hold for 3 and then breathe out for 6.

This activates your parasympathetic nervous system, manage your cortisol and as a bonus promotes fat burning.

You do not have to count, especially as you get used to it.

Just breathe slower, taking long on the exhale 

Remember that balanced cortisol promotes fat usage 

That is why zone training is more beneficial for fatburn than anerobic training where your heart rate stays high

Thanks for listening to this short. 

Remember to access The Zeco Recommendation Page for all products I recommend for health,  fitness  & weightloss.

Enjoy your weekend fam!