Episode 42- Insulin Sensitivity with Emily Cornelius

Emily Cornelius is a Registered Dietitian and owner of Emily Cornelius Nutrition. She help exhausted dieters lose weight by taking control of their insulin resistance while still eating the carbs that they LOVE!  

Having been a yo-yo dieter for years before losing 20 pounds and finally keeping it off, she has been through her fair share of ups and downs when it comes to losing weight.

When she became a Dietitian she learned about blood sugar and hormone balance and how it impacts weight loss totally transformed my mindset around food. 

She has helped hundreds of people lose weight by balancing blood sugar, hormones, and reducing excess inflammation. 

When she is not coaching nutrition I love to spend my time hiking, relaxing with friends, and traveling!  

Here is the link to the grain study mentioned in the show.


The Real Food Dietitians (Recipes for IR)

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