Episode 45- Gut Enzymes

Happy New Year & welcome to The ZecoHealth Show

This Weight Management Expert Narado Zeco Powell

Going forward I will release 2 episodes a week. 

An interview every Tuesday

And a solo show every Saturday

This is the first solo show in that rotation

These solos will be short, recap the highlights of the last interview, address a particular hot topic & more.

In this week’s short, I will get into gut enzymes & body weight because I mentioned it in the last episode.

Weight management often comes down to having the right enzymes

Let me explain.

I will discuss three enzymes here

Protease- Breaking down protein

Lipase- Breaking down fats 

Amylase- Breaking down carbs

If you do not have adequate enzymes, instead of breaking down certain nutrients for fuel, your body may store it, deposit it in your organs, etc.

When it comes to losing fat, lipase and amylase are probably the most important players.

If you have enough of these enzymes, your metabolism will be able to break down fats and carbs as needed. 

This is the magic of metabolic flexibility.

How do you have the right enzymes?

Well, step 1 is knowing what gut enzymes you primarily have?

You do not have to take a test to figure that out.

Here is a simple guide:

  1. What foods did your parents primarily eat? 

High carbs, then there is a chance you have high Amylase

High fat, then there is a chance you have high Lipase

  1. What foods do you primarily eat? 

Same idea, fats- Lipase

Carbs- Amylase

  1. How do you feel when you eat fats or carbs?

If fats make you uncomfortable, then you may lack adequate enzymes to break them down

If carbs, make you uncomfortable, well, you get the idea

Also keep in mind there may be allergies like gluten, nuts, etc. 

I will not get deeper into gut enzymes, but want to give you a taste. I  will discuss more in future episodes, in fact I will release an episode in 2 weeks with Lumen Metabolic Coach Maria Fox. 

In that episode we will discuss gut enzymes, metabolic flexibility & more

In the coming episode, I sit with the CEO of Self Decode, Joe Cohen.

His software gives you personalized health recommendations based on your genes

Subscribe because you do not want to miss that one. 

Enjoy your weekend fam.