Episode51- Morning Habits To Improve Fatburn

Morning Habits To Improve Fat Loss 

Welcome to another episode of The ZecoHealth Show. 

This is Weight Management Expert,  Narado Zeco Powell. 

In this weekend’s short, I have a gift for you. 

I will provide the morning secrets to jumpstart fat burn & lead to sustainable weight loss.

These proven habits, not tricks or gimmicks are backed by my three sided test, ancestral living,  scientific studies & anecdotal evidence. 

These morning habits are followed by most health gurus, including myself. 

At age 39, I maintain 12% to 14% body fat and will drop to 10% to 12% every summer. 

These habits help me stay lean and healthy all year long!

As a disclaimer, remember that these are general advice and do not make any dietary changes without discussing with a medical professional. 

So, Are you ready to transform your life?

Let’s get started:

  1. Numero uno

Breathing. Most ppl do not know how to breathe. 

It is a fact that  how most of us breathe can cause us to gain weight. 

Did you know?

Let me explain.

You can either breathe to activate your sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system.

Slow, controlled diaphragmatic breathing activates your parasympathetic, which is your rest and digest nervous system. 

Why is this important?

Two main reasons are it keeps your cortisol balanced & helps you digest your food better.

So, when you operate in a parasympathetic state, you are already improving your health. 

Now when it comes to wait loss, this is a great way to train your body to use fat as a source of energy.

Rapid breathing does the opposite.  

Think about it this way 

Ever wonder why you crave sugars when you are stressed?

High cortisol leads to sugar metabolism. 

Now, this is what you do in the mornings and before eating.

Breathing in for 3 seconds,  hold for 5 then take 6 seconds to breathe out.

Do this 10 times as soon as you wake up, whenever you feel stressed and before every meal. 

The mornings are important because you get a kick or cortisol every morning to wake you up, so this technique levels your cortisol, control hunger and promote fat burn.

  1. The second habit is getting morning sun.

Sunlight reacts with your adipose tissue. 

In fact, research shows that it shrinks fat cells.

Now, you only need about 15 minutes every morning, if you are dark skin, you may need a little more.

But, every couple hours, especially if you live in warmer climate, go outside for at least 10 minutes

Do this consistently and you are jump starting fat loss.

A bonus, the redlight from the rising and setting sun has other benefits for your body.

So exposure will greatly help.

Preferably outside, but during winter or fall, if you cannot go outside, just stand by the window 

Some exposure is better than none

That also goes for regular sunlight 

  1. Next is walking.

Walking, especially combined with the other 2 I mention, trains your body to use fats as energy. 

You have heard me talk about endurance, specifically zone 2 training and it’s benefits. 

Walking and zone 1 to 2 training.

Most days I take at least 10k steps.

More in warmer months 

  1. The last habits is eating fats

Yeah, if you are training your body to burn fat, you have to feed it fat.

Remember,  check with a medical professional before making any dietary changes & I cannot make any specific recommendations on a podcast. 

You do not have to cardio yourself to death to lose weight 

In fact excessive cardio, unless your metabolism is already flexible, leads to a sugar metabolism 

I recommend that you listen to my recent solo episodes on gut enzymes & metabolic flexibility to learn a lot more on this topic.

In short, exposing your body to fats and ketones, especially combined with the other 3 habits, you are training your body to use fats as energy. 

Remember, to burn fats, you need adequate enzymes like Lipase. 

Our bodies are very smart and it will develop adequate enzymes once we expose our bodies to fats.

For this to work, you have to temporarily shut down the glucose pathways.

The best way to do so is to start medium fat, low carb and trend toward high fat, lower carb and for some even to the point of ketosis. 

Combine all 4 habits and you can train your metabolism to become a fat metabolism, instead of a sugar metabolism. 

Last thing I will say here.

You want to cycle carbs and there are days, where you will need to carb load.

This ensures that your body maintains sufficient enzymes to break down carbs, leading to a flexible metabolism. 

Listen to that short episode that I released, I believe 3 weeks ago.

When your metabolism is flexible,  you will burn adequate macros for energy.

This is the magic of maintaining a healthy body weight. 

Check out Lumen. 

It is the only breathalyzer on the market that reads your metabolism.

It determines if you are burning fats or carbs at any given time, follow the flexibility of your metabolism, while giving you personalized nutrition guidelines so you can develop a flexible metabolism. 

The website is lumen.me & use code zecohealth for 10% off..

Trust me, it is worth it, especially if you have tried every diet known to man.

Here it is. 

Change your habits and let’s crush 2022 fam!