Episode131- The Benefits of ACV for Fat-loss

Welcome to another weekend short of The Matter Over Mind Experience,

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

This weekend, I will give you another fantastic hack, Apple Cider Vinegar 

I will talk about the benefits & how to implement it into your diet to improve fat-loss 

Anything I say is general information and please consult a dietary or medical professional before making any changes 

Before I begin, remember to check out The Zeco Recommendation Page for products I recommend for fitness, health  & fat-loss. 

The link is in the show-notes & the description of the episode.  

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a health tonic for thousands of years.

Research shows it has many health benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels.

Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet also help you lose weight 

Apple cider vinegar is made in a two-step fermentation process.

First, apples are cut or crushed and combined with yeast to convert their sugar into alcohol. 

Second, bacteria is added to ferment the alcohol into acetic acid.

Acetic acid is the main active component of apple cider vinegar.

About 5–6% of apple cider vinegar consists of acetic acid. 

It also contains water and trace amounts of other acids, such as malic acid 

One tablespoon (15 ml) of apple cider vinegar contains about three calories and virtually no carbs

Acetic Acid Has Various Benefits for Fat Loss

Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen in your body.

Some animal studies suggest that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may promote weight loss in several ways:

Lowers blood sugar levels: 

  1. In one rat study, acetic acid improved the ability of the liver and muscles to take up sugar from the blood 
  1. Decreases insulin levels: In the same rat study, acetic acid also reduced the ratio of insulin to glucagon, which might favor fat burning 
  2. Improves metabolism: Another study in rats exposed to acetic acid showed an increase in the enzyme AMPK, which boosts fat burning and decreases fat and sugar production in the liver 
  3. Reduces fat storage: Treating obese, diabetic rats with acetic acid or acetate protected them from weight gain and increased the expression of genes that reduced belly fat storage and liver fat 
  4. Burns fat: A study in mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with acetic acid found a significant increase in the genes responsible for fat burning, which led to less body fat buildup 
  5. Suppresses appetite: Another study suggests acetate may suppress centers in your brain that control appetite, which can lead to reduced food intake

Although the results of animal studies look promising, research is needed in humans to confirm these effects

Apple Cider Vinegar Increases Fullness and Reduces Calorie Intake

Apple cider vinegar may promote fullness, which can decrease calorie intake 

In one small study in 11 people, those who took vinegar with a high-carb meal had a 55% lower blood sugar response one hour after eating.

They also ended up consuming 200–275 fewer calories for the rest of the day.

In addition to its appetite-suppressing effects, apple cider vinegar has also been shown to slow the rate at which food leaves your stomach.

In another small study, taking apple cider vinegar with a starchy meal significantly slowed stomach emptying. 

This led to increased feelings of fullness and lowered blood sugar and insulin levels

However, some people may have a condition that makes this effect harmful.

Gastroparesis, or delayed stomach emptying, is a common complication of type 1 diabetes. Timing insulin with food intake becomes problematic because it is difficult to predict how long it will take for blood sugar to rise after a meal.

Since apple cider vinegar has been shown to extend the time food stays in your stomach, taking it with meals could worsen gastroparesis.

It May Help You Lose Weight and Body Fat

Results from one human study indicate that apple cider vinegar has impressive effects on weight and body fat. 

In this 12-week study, 144 obese Japanese adults consumed either 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of vinegar or a placebo drink every day.

They were told to restrict their alcohol intake but otherwise continue their usual diet and activity throughout the study.

Those who consumed 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar per day had — on average — the following benefits:

Weight loss: 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg)

Decrease in body fat percentage: 0.7%

Decrease in waist circumference: 0.5 in (1.4 cm)

Decrease in triglycerides: 26%

This is what changed in those consuming 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of vinegar per day:

Weight loss: 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg)

Decrease in body fat percentage: 0.9%

Decrease in waist circumference: 0.75 in (1.9 cm)

Decrease in triglycerides: 26%

The placebo group actually gained 0.9 lbs (0.4 kgs), 

and their waist circumference slightly increased.

How to Add It to Your Diet

There are a few ways to include apple cider vinegar in your diet.

An easy method is to use it with olive oil as a salad dressing. It proves particularly tasty with leafy greens, cucumbers and tomatoes.

It can also be used for pickling vegetables, or you can simply mix it into water and drink it.

The amount of apple cider vinegar used for weight loss is 1–2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) per day, mixed with water.

It is best to spread this out into 2–3 doses throughout the day, and it may be best to drink it before meals.

Taking more than this isn’t recommended because of potentially harmful effects at higher dosages, such as drug interactions or the erosion of tooth enamel. It’s also best to start off with 1 teaspoon (5 ml) to see how you tolerate it.

Do not take more than 1 tablespoon (15 ml) at a time, because taking too much at one sitting may cause nausea.

It’s important to mix it with water, as undiluted vinegar may burn the inside of your mouth and esophagus.

Although taking apple cider vinegar in tablet form may seem beneficial, it comes with potentially large risks.

 In one instance, a woman suffered throat burns after an apple cider vinegar tablet became lodged in her esophagus 

There it is. 

Enjoy your weekend fam!

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