Episode281-Top 5 Habits Destroying Your Brain | Narado Zeco Powell


In this conversation, weight management expert Narado Zeco Powell discusses five habits that can negatively impact the brain. The conversation covers the importance of quality sleep, the impact of poor diet, the significance of a sedentary lifestyle, the effects of chronic stress, and the negative consequences of excessive screen time.


Quality sleep is crucial for brain health and overall well-being.

A poor diet, especially one high in processed sugars and foods, can lead to chronic inflammation and brain damage.

A sedentary lifestyle can negatively impact brain function, and regular movement is essential for optimal brain health.

Chronic stress, both external and internal, can lead to inflammation and other detrimental effects on the brain.

Excessive screen time can result in poor attention span, anxiety, depression, and unhealthy comparisons.


00:00 Chapter 1: The Importance of Quality Sleep
01:00 Chapter 2: The Impact of Poor Diet on the Brain
05:20 Chapter 4: The Effects of Chronic Stress on the Brain
07:50 Chapter 5: The Negative Consequences of Excessive Screen Time