Episode 35- Breathing & Fatloss

We often overlook proper breathing or we only focus on breathing during our workouts

I like to ask, if we workout 1 or 2 hours per day, that is about 10% of our day

What has a larger impact ? the 10% we workout or the 90% we don’t?

Let that sink in!

One of the big reasons why we fail to reach and achieve our goals is because we do not make the necessary changes to the 90%

That 90% s much more than just nutrition

It involves, sleep, movement, breathing and the other habits I teach in this show is important for health and fatloss

Before getting into today’s topic, let’s discuss the study of the week

A study published in PubMed is titled “Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: a study in 48 440 adult patients”

This study was designed to compare hospitalisation rates, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and mortality for patients with COVID-19 who were consistently inactive, doing some activity or consistently meeting physical activity guidelines.

Results of the study is that patients with COVID-19 who were consistently inactive had a greater risk of hospitalisation, admission to the ICU, and death due to COVID-19 than patients who were consistently meeting physical activity guidelines.

Let’s start with a definition:

Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercises or techniques. People often perform them to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. During breathwork you intentionally change your breathing pattern.

Listen to all those benefits. 

So let’s discuss them one by one:

  1. Mental-  There are tons of research that connects proper breatherwork and mental health.  

How so?

Proper breathing allows you to manage cortisol.

That is important to know because if you breathe properly throughout the day you can manage your vagus tone.

Your vagus nerve is connected to all nerves in your body.

2. Physical – Well, this is connected to stress.

Rapid breathing leads to accelerated blood pressure and physical stress on our organs 

There is research connecting sport fans to heart attacks because they are in an excitable state for long times 

I am not saying to stop watching sports

I love football, soccer, basketball, swimming and track

Yes, in that order

Breathing well throughout the day puts less pressure on your organs, mainly the one that’s primary job is the keep you alive, the heart

Less pressure on your heart is always a must.

In fact one reason why obesity shortens our life is because excess body mass put more pressure on your heart daily.

3. Spirituality 

Everyone I know who takes their health seriously at some point reach a level of spirituality

When I say spirituality, I do not mean religion

You can be spiritual without being religious and you can be religious without being spiritual

Humans are spiritual being 

Proper breathing connects you to your spirit 

You are not truly health if you cannot optimize physical, emotional and physical health 

Now, that we have touched on these, here are some power pack tips to optimize your health 

Now, that we have touched on these, here are some power pack tips to optimize your health 

  1. Meditate- I start most mornings with a 10 to 15 minute medication

Meditation is not a gimmick. It has been around for thousands of years. 

It is only new to the western side of the world, primarily the Americas

Meditating, especially early in the mornings, starts your day off in a calm and self aware mood

We know that most people start their day with at least 4 to 5 stressors.

So, yes, even if it is 5 mins , start your day with meditation and breathing 

There are many apps you can download or go to youtube to practice guided meditation

  1. Breathe with your diaphragm – Most of us are shallow chest breathers

It is interesting to me how of us do not take in air through our diaphragm

Go to youtube and look up videos  on diaphragmatic breathing 

  1. Breathe with your nose- nose breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system 

This helps you manage your vagus nerve

A healthy vagal tone keeps you relaxed

People who know me understand that even if something bothers me,  I do not stay upset for long.

I take in and expel air through my nose that keeps me in parasympathetic mode 

Pro tip- nose breathing during exercise trains your body to operate more efficiently on oxygen and CO2

  1. Lastly- putting all these together will train you to breathe less, breathing less will help you maintain healthy vagus tone

There is research that indicates shows connections between less breathing a longevity 

If you paid attention to all the other things I mentioned, then it should come as no surprise 

So, that is really all I will say here

Thanks for listening to The ZecoHealth Show, follow my IG @zecohealth

Stay Awesome Fam!  

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