Episode181- Habits To Get Quality Sleep with Sleep Expert Devin Burke

He is an international and TEDx speaker, the bestselling author of “The Sleep Advantage,” the founder of Sleep Science Academy, and one of the top health and sleeps coaches in the world. His books, keynotes, programs, and videos have inspired thousands of people to improve their sleep, energy, and life.His mission is to give the 40+ million people who suffer from poor sleep the tools and support they need to stop suffering and start sleeping as quickly as possible.

You can learn more about Devin & The Sleep Science Academy @ https://youtube.com/@DevinBurke

Episode180- The Low Carb Athlete with Coach Debbie Potts

Owner, trainer, and coach of a unique “Health Detective” coaching services with unique “The WHOLESTIC Method” eight elements to guide clients repair, rebuild and restore their WHOLE health back to improve vitality and balance.

Debbie helps driven and ambitious people, who are trying to do all the “right” things, investigate what is actually going on “under the hood” to get their body and vibrant self back.

Debbie shared her personal story in her book “Life is not a Race… it is a Journey” and created “The WHOLESTIC Method Manual and Workbook”. She hosts “The Low Carb Athlete” Health Building weekly podcast to help athletes of all levels improve ability to burn fat, optimize their health from the inside out and achieve their peak performance gains.

Afer being a top personal trainer and coach for over twenty-five years, she continues education constantly: NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), USAT Triathlon coach, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Kion (Superhuman) Coach, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), DNA Fit coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P).

She took her health in her own hands and combined therapy, labs, genetics and lifestyle changes to transform her own life to get her body and vitality back again.

You can learn more about Debbie & her work on her website http://www.debbiepotts.net or Instagram https://instagram.com/lowcarbathlete?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Episode179- Exercise Recovery & Weight Management

Exercise Recovery & Weight Management

Welcome to another weekend short of The Matter Over Mind Experience

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell

This weekend let’s discuss Exercise Recovery

Many of us when trying to lose weight may overtrain & not recover well

This can lead to a host of health issues, including weight gain

Let’s begin!

When we workout our body creates inflammation

That’s one reason why we are sore post workout

The better we heal post workout, means the better we respond to the inflammation

Here are few things that help us best respond to workout related inflammation & heal well:

Quality sleep

During sleep, especially when getting quality sleep is when our bodies heal itself, which includes lowering inflammation

Most of us need around 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily with at least 2 hours of deep sleep

Visit zecohealth.com for my article on how to reset your circadian rhythm so you may get quality sleep

Adequate Protein

Protein breakdown to amino acids which is vital for strength, recovery & performance

I generally recommend 1 gram of protein per pound of goal body weight

For example, if you goal is 160 pounds, then at least 160 grams of protein

Supplement with Essential Amino Acids

Adding EAAs to your diet can give your muscles fuel to improve strength and recovery

I personally use EAAs from AminoCo.

Use code zecohealth for 30% discount on thier EAAs

Enjoy your weekend fam!

Use code zecohealth for 30% discount https://aminoco.com/zecohealth

Episode178- Proper Nutrition with Alexis & Mia from Made2Macro

They offer a wide variety of fresh and healthy macro-focused meals right to your doorstep. Simply just heat and serve!

All of our healthy diet plans/meals are focused on you and your needs, by one of their certified nutritionists with your specific nutrient and diet in mind.

Not getting the results you are working so hard to get? Call today and see why they are changing lives one delicious meal at a time!

Email: info@made2macro.com Phone: 813-438-3205

Episode177- Fasting & Other Habits That Lead To Longevity with Dr. Joseph Antoun

Dr. Joseph Antoun always knew he wanted to help others through medicine, which is why he trained to be a physician. Eventually, he figured out that medicine was actually sick care, treating patients after their health had already declined.

Dr. Antoun wanted to be at the forefront of changing our current healthcare system of sick care to a more proactive approach, which meant taking care of our existing good health. After years of working at pharmaceutical companies and, later, focusing on public health policy, he found what he was searching for at L-Nutra, Inc., a cutting-edge nutri-technology company.

As CEO of L-Nutra, Dr. Antoun works with one of the leading global researchers in the area of longevity – Professor Valter Longo, Director of the Longevity Center at USC. Together they provide education and products to support a lifestyle that extends healthspan (years of healthy living).

In interviews, Dr. Antoun will share natural dietary and fasting measures listeners can take to enhance their overall longevity, fight age-related disease and live longer and healthier lives. He can discuss the latest scientific research and share learnings from leading scholars and publications that highlight tested measures anyone can put into practice today to positively impact their overall health.

Click below & use code zecohealth for 15% discount https://prolonfast.com/products/gofast?rfsn=6961616.9e283eb&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=6961616.9e283eb

Episode176- Is Bulking Bad?

Welcome to another weekend short of The Matter Over Mind Experience 

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

This weekend, I will talk about bulking 

It is bulking season & I am sure you hear that alot

I will explain what it means & how you can successfully accomplish your bulk

Let’s Begin 

What is bulking?

Bulking is the muscle-gaining phase.

You’re meant to intentionally consume more calories than your body needs for a set period, often 4–6 months. 

These extra calories provide your body with the necessary fuel to boost muscle size and strength while weight training

This is important because we know the importance of building lean muscle in order to do that you may need to eat a calorie excess

The biggest mistake I used to make and some people still do this time of year is we think we can eat whatever we want as long as we are in a caloric excess

Well, constant snacking & eating foods that cause you to gain more visceral fat is a bad idea 

So, still stay away from snack foods, foods rich in trans fat, etc 

The biggest thing to pay attention to here is you may need to eat more protein or supplement to promote a positive protein balance & enough carbs to promote muscle strength, performance & recovery 

In bulking season I carb cycle and eat more protein to promote muscle growth 

Episode175- How To Use Quantum Energy To Relieve Stress with Rob Rene

QE Strong’s beginning came from Rick from Blessed2Teach and his brother Rob’s search for health solutions for the Blessed2Teach community. Rob was working on formulating healthy all-natural supplements and was led by the Lord to the amazing Quantum Energy solutions.

While the Quantum Energy solutions appeared to be amazing, Rob had learned the very critical importance of doing his own research to verify anything after becoming Redpilled in 2020. After doing deep dives into Quantum Energy, Intentions, and how successful they have become, they began testing within their community.

The results were amazing and the reviews and testimonials from people were undeniable and thus, QE Strong was born so they could bring these incredible solutions to the world and help people get off of Big Pharma drugs

You can access their website & use code zecohealth for 30% discount https://qestrong.com

Episode174- How Gene Editing Can Improve Our Health with Dr. Rand McClain

Though nutrition and wellness have been ingrained in Dr. Rand McClain since childhood, his journey to becoming a leader in alternative and progressive medical treatments has been anything but orthodox. From being the youngest senior account manager in Deloitte’s history, to his stint as a professional boxer in Argentina, to being accepted to medical school at age 37 after being repeatedly told it was impossible, Dr. Rand has never been a fan of the “status quo”. Dr. Rand’s patients (many of which are A-List celebrities and world-class athletes) come to his practice, Regenerative and Sports Medicine, in search of the innovative treatments he specializes in. From bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), stem cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy to cryotherapy, Dr. Rand has dedicated the past 35 years to redefining what it means to be in optimal health.Dr. McClain earned his medical degree at Western University and completed his internship at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine Residency Program (U.S.C. California Hospital) and has worked with some of the best and original innovators in Sports, Rejuvenative, Regenerative (“Anti-Aging”), Cosmetic and Family Medicine.

You can access their website @ https://psrmed.com/

Episode173- The Benefits of Polyphenols

Welcome to another weekend short of  The Matter Over Mind Experience

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

Do you know what Polyphenols are and how vital they are for your health?

Let’s me quickly break this down this weekend 

Let’s begin by explaining what they are:

According to Healthline:

“Polyphenols are compounds that we get through certain plant-based foods.

They’re packed with antioxidants and potential health benefits.

It’s thought that polyphenols can improve or help treat digestion issues, weight management difficulties, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular diseases.”

Is this true?

Well it depends who you ask

Some of my carnivore or even keto friends will say we do not need plant foods in our diet and if so, then we will limit if not eliminate benefits from polyphenols 

Remember that polyphenols are antioxidants and what do we know about antioxidants?

According to a Harvard study, “prospective studies show that higher intakes of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and legumes are associated with a lower risk of chronic oxidative stress-related diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and deaths from all causes.”

According to Medical News Today “Antioxidants are mostly found in plant foods. They are natural molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies.”


There are many things we do not know when it comes to nutrition, but in my opinion, we know that we need the benefits of antioxidants and it is impossible to get them without plant foods

So, what foods are richest in antioxidants?

Here are some of my favorites:



Dark chocolate 


Green Tea


There are more, but something I want you to realize is that foods that are rich in antioxidants are usually considered gut friendly 

There it is

Enjoy your weekend fam!

Use code zecohealth for 10% discount off Algae & Chlorella Supplements https://www.energybits.com/

Episode172- Q&A6

Welcome to another episode of The Matter Over Mind Experience 

I am your host,  Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

This episode is Q & A 6

I will answer 5 questions from listeners & followers who emailed or sent me a DM

If you have questions about health,  fitness & fat-loss,  feel free to email me @ narado@zecohealth.com or DM on my IG @zecohealth 

Let’s begin 


 So super confused. Can I still do keto to lose the weight ( this is the only success that I have ever had loosing) and then go into the metabolic flexibility to maintain? 

There is a lot of confusion around this. There is much more to losing weight than just a calorie deficit.

Keto is not necessarily bad if done under the care of an expert, in fact our ancestors would cycle in and out of ketosis based on the availability of food. I.e in ketosis during cold weather when food is less available. 

Even though ketosis can be a tool, you don’t have to be in ketosis to lose weight.  

Our bodies use enzymes to break down fats and carbs (as described in the video). When you eat a high fat diet (keto diet) your body will downregulate the ability to burn carbs and vice versa.

Being metabolically flexible means that you will have enough enzymes to break down fats and carbs. Which is the sweet spot. 


Is it true that with keto because you are shedding lots of water weight with the loss of carbs, however if you don’t keep it up you’re bound to put some weight back on?

Keto can be a tool for weight-loss and you can burn a lot of fat if done under an expert. I have coached many clients who have lost over 50 pounds of fat. (Remember the definition of keto is burning fat for energy) 

I don’t keep them in ketosis for too long and cycle in carbs as needed. The problem isn’t ketosis, but most people do not know how to properly implement it. 

Lumen is a fantastic tool for individuals who do not understand how to cycle ketosis to maintain fat & carb burning capabilities.


Hello, I’m supposed to eat 175 grams of protein per day. But I saw somewhere that the body can only deal with 25g of protein at a time, and the rest is converted into glucose. Is this true? If yes, then how can I achieve my 175 grams goal while eating 3 times a day?

Optimal amount of protein depends on many factors i.e how much protease your body has to break down protein well, how active you are etc. 

I eat about 250 grams of protein a day and usually over 50 grams per meal. Keep in mind that I am athletic and train very intensely.

For the general person 30 to 40 grams per meal is enough. However, a way to tell is how you feel after you eat.  If you feel sluggish then you are more likely overeating. So, you can play with that.


I’m still trying to figure all this out. I had spaghetti for dinner. Saved my carbs for the day and used them here. Why am I always in “fat burn?”  Why doesn’t a plate of pasta lead to carb burn?

The human body uses enzymes to break down fats & carbs .  Most humans have more carb burning enzymes.  

This can change over time, for example if you have been on a low carb, high fat diet for a while longer, your body will create more lipase and other enzymes to break down fats, while less amylase and other enzymes to break down carbs.

Over time as Lumen gives you more high carb and boost days, your body should create more amylase, leading to better carb burn. For most people this is a much easier transition than switching from carb burn to fat burning. 

When this happens your metabolism will become flexible, allowing you to switch between fats & carbs as needed.