Episode 25- Habits to Improve Energy Level

First we have to understand what energy is.

In physics, it is a property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body or heat it.

In simple words, we generate energy to heat our bodies or to do work.

That is why it cannot be created or destroyed, but transferred. 

If you dont seem to have enough energy, it is usually because you are not efficient at generating enough.

We first need to know why we have a hard time generating energy:

  1. Get Quality Sleep

If you have been listening to me for a while, you know how much I talk about sleep. 

In fact, getting quality sleep is vital for  your health.

Yes, even more important than nutrition.

When it comes to energy, sleep is absolutely vital

These are some things that happen when you sleep:

  1. Rebalance your hormones 
  2. Recover
  3. Rest 
  4. Heal

If you do not sleep well, you are literally robbing your body.

I do not care if your nutrition is on point.

This is where it starts. 

2. Eat carbs in moderation

It is true that our bodies prefer carbs and sugars for energy, but the problem is that when we give our bodies more than it can use, it stores it as fat. 

Remember in my episode on  building muscle and  fatloss, I explain that one pound of muscle burns about 6.5 calories per hour. 

Muscles burn 5.5 times more calories than fat tissues, which only burn about 1.2 calories per pound per hour.

Having more muscle helps you to generate more natural heat aka energy 

As a side note here, remember to strength train. 

I carb cycle.  I eat the majority of my carbs around the time I am working out. Within an hour before and after. Especially simple carbs that my body can use for energy and to fuel my muscles. 

3.  Spending time with the right people  

This is so important. Everyone doesnt deserve your time.

The wrong people can pull from your energy or motivate and push you. 

From time to time I text and call my close family and friends to let them know how much I appreciate them. 

I would not be where I am without certain people in my life. 

If the ppl around you are not supportive, get to know ppl on social media.

Some of the most supportive people in my life, I have not physically met. 

As long as you are having positive and uplifting conversations 

Join The ZecoHealth Crew on Facebook. 

There are some awesome people in my group.

I also provide gems to help you feel better, manage your weight and improve your health. 

4. Eat less or eliminate foods that are rich in trans fat aka fast foods

This is vital.

No food in nature carries high amounts of transfat. 

In fact we make transfat as use it as preservative. 

A doctor told me once to pick up a package of processed foods and look at the expiration date. 

The longer it stays on the shelf, the more time you are taking off your life.

Do I eat processed foods?

Absolute, but not many at all.

At least 80% of my diet is made up of whole foods.

5. Spend more time at play to reduce stress

A body in motion stays in motion. 

Get a pet to run around with.

Play with your kids or nieces and nephews

Ever realized that you can wake up tired, but as you keep moving, you don’t feel tired.

That is because your body is generating heat aka energy. 

That is another reason why we tend to have less energy during the colder months, lack of heat and lack of movement.

These are some basic tips, but start here. 

As you start to feel better, you can make other changes.