Episode 15- Home Environment and Health

Let’s start with how we start our day.

I have read articles that state that the average American is exposed to at least 5 stressors within the first couple hours of the day.

The first is the hard sound of the alarm ekk ekk ekk, kicks you out of sleep, and immediately spikes your cortisol levels, then you hurry up and try to shower, if you have kids, you have to get them ready, if you have a husband , he can be another kid, where is my coffee, if you drive in Orlando where people drive 5 miles an hour for some reason, you may have road rage, etc

What does this do? Spikes your cortisol levels. 

There is a research study in PubMed labeled Physiology, Cortisol states that “Cortisol acts on the liver, muscle, adipose tissue, and pancreas.” 

It goes on to say “The presence of glucocorticoids, such as cortisol, increase the availability of blood glucose to the brain.”

If you are constantly in a stressful state, your body thinks that you are always in danger.

Since the human body prefers sugars for quick energy, have you realized that you tend to crave sugary foods when you are stressed.

On top of cortisol, excessive sugars play on the dopamine receptors aka pleasure center in your brain. Primarily short term pleasure.

The best way to manage our cortisol levels is by getting quality sleep. I don’t have to mention any studies here.

Anyone who is sleep deprived will tell you how much worse they feel vs the day that they get quality sleep. I know that I am less patient if I do not sleep well.

I will release a full episode in the future on quality sleep, but

Here are some quick things to do at home to improve sleep quality:

  1. It starts with your habits the night before. Keep your home cool. The cool weather mimics nighttime. If you are hot, especially sweating, it makes it hard to fall asleep. Some experts say as cool as 68 degrees, I say whatever works for you. I turn my A.C to 71 degrees every night. I am a freak though cause I turn off my A.C every morning and open the doors. That is a conversation for a different day .
  2. After the sun goes down, minimize exposure to bluelight. Close the curtains, use light blocking curtains if possible. You can get them on Amazon. Also, get a pair of blue light blocking glasses, especially if you watch t.v at night. Anylight that you will have on at night, make sure to use blue light blocking bulbs for that room or area. Turn on the blue light filter on your phone as well. In fact, mine comes on automatically every night at 9 p.m. If I send my friends a screen shot after 9, it is bright orange and they get mad at me. Here is a page on Amazon where you can get all these products  Amazon
  3. Set your alarm to a soft tone or light. It will make for a more pleasurable morning experience. Especially if you implement the other changes I mentioned, you shouldn’t wake up feeling like you want to break the clock. 

These are just a few tips on sleep, but it is a good place to start. I will release a complete episode on sleep in the future.

Next, let’s talk about water.

There are many studies that explain that drinking water 30 before and after eating can improve thermogenesis which leads to more energy expenditure and weight loss. 

I released an episode 2 months ago on the toxins in our drinking water. I will put a link to that episode in the show notes.  Water & Hydration

In short, quality tests show that from tap to bottled water there can be over 100 toxins. 

This includes residue of Tylenol, rocket fuel, farming residue and much more.

So, get a good filter. I prefer Zero water. It removes a lot more toxins than Pur or Brita.

If you can afford it, replace the shower heads in your home. Our skin is our largest detox organ. The toxic water we tend to shower, wash our hands and even brush our teeth with seeps into our bloodstream. 

Now, Let’s talk about air quality. If you talk to anyone who struggles with asthma, they will tell you the challenges they face when they are surrounded by poor air. 

Poor air quality does just impact people with asthma.

There is an article on epa.gov which indicates that “Research has linked regulated air pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter (PM) to lung and heart disease and other health problems.”

A study published online in the journal Environment International, links air pollution to changes in the structure and function of the human gut microbiome. This Study

explains that breathing dirty air takes a heavy toll on gut bacteria, boosting risk of obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders and other chronic illnesses.

So here are some ways to improve air quality in our homes

  1. Have plants

Common houseplants can improve indoor air quality by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Many common houseplants also have the ability to remove traces of toxic chemicals from the air.

  1. Get an Air Purifier

It says it in the name. Purifies the air you breathe in your home.

  1. Air out your home

Open the windows and doors from time to time and let fresh air in. 

I open the windows and doors in my home for at least 1 hour each day. 

When I say this, I am assuming that the air is fresh in the area you live.

I am saying this as a pun, air pollution is a real thing.

  1. Get Essential Oils along with Diffuser.

Mine is set up to start spraying at 5:30 every morning. I wake up at 6 most days and I wake up feeling amazing and the air smells great. 

Essential Oils do more than just make your home smell nice. 

They can control or even remove fungi. 

Which leads me into my next point!

  1. Natural cleaning products 

Many of these products are made with Essential Oils 

Which are a great alternative to synthetic chemicals

Rightfully so, there are more companies that provide natural cleaning products.

 I mentioned at the start of the episode how I used to struggle with asthma. 

One of the worst asthma attacks I have ever had was after using a really strong cleaner. 

I personally use products from Grove Collaborative, but honestly there are many companies that provide natural products. 

You can even start by going to the cleaning aisle in Whole Foods and other similar stores. 

I actually started by purchasing products from Amazon. 

I want to add here that you may want to think about using natural products like deodorant, face cream, lip balm etc. to eliminate toxins trace elements like aluminum. 

Especially since there are many chemicals that are banned in other countries that we allow in the products in the U.S

Now that we know this! 

Let’s diminish your exposure to environmental toxins.