Episode80- Nutrition Habits To Lower Cortisol

Welcome to another weekend short of The ZecoHealth Show 

This is Weight Management Expert, Narado Powell Powell 

This weekend’s short is a follow-up from last week’s. 

Last weekend, I explained habits to help you lower cortisol & reduce stress. 

Listen to that short before or after this one to have a full picture. 

This weekend, I will go a little further & explain the role that nutrition plays in accomplishing this goal.

We know that stress raises cortisol, causes hormonal imbalances, weight gain, etc

That is why it is important to know how to lower stress naturally. 

Before I want to remind everyone of The Zeco Recommendation Page, where I have products that I have recommended for health, fitness & fatloss 

The link is in the shownotes & the description of the podcast 

We know all the bad things stress causes so I will not rehash that. 

Here are how foods help you handle stress. 

They can do so in many ways.

Some can boost serotonin, others can cut levels of cortisol & adrenaline which are stress hormones that in excess can take a toll on your body.

In addition a healthy diet can help counter the impact of stress by strengthening your immune system & lowering your blood pressure. 

Here are some foods that can help with these:

  1. Complex Carbs

Complex carbs take longer to digest & keep your blood sugar steady.

All carbs prompt the brain to make serotonin so complex carbs can provide your brain a steady supply 

Download Glycemic Load App & use it as a guide to know which foods are complex.

  1. Oranges

The powerful antioxidant VitaminC can boost your immune system & curb levels of stress hormones.

So many fruits that are rich in vitaminC can be beneficial.

  1. Spinach 

These & most dark leafy greens are rich in magnesium. 

Too little magnesium can lead to stress responses like headaches & fatigue.

  1. Fatty Fish

The Omega-3 content of fatty fish like Salmon & Tuna can prevent surges in stress hormones.

In fact, having at least 1 to 1 Omega-3 to Omega-6 can improve stress levels. 

Which means there are connections between chronic inflammation & stress.

Pistachios & other nuts are also sources of Omega-3.

  1. Avocadoes-

Getting adequate potassium can lower blood pressure as well. 

Bananas and other potassium rich fruits can be great as well.

Avocados are low in carbs, but rich in healthy Omega-3 fats.

  1. Eat carbs at night

Our brain prefers glucose.

Going to bed without adequate glucose can raise cortisol levels & disrupt sleep quality. 

Do not go crazy, but some complex carbs before bed like berries or fruits can change your life.

The entire list will be in the shownotes so you can use it as a guide.

Enjoy your weekend fam!