Episode98- Nutrition Hack To Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady To Promote

Welcome to another weekend short of the Matter Over Mind Experience.

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell

We know that keeping your blood sugar steady is important in health, fitness & fat-loss

I have had experts on the show who explain that our bodies regulate how much glucose to keep in our blood

After this, our bodies store the excess as glycogen & once that bucket is full, it converts the excess to fat

This is one reason why just talking about calories falls short

In this weekend’s short, I will give you a hack on how to eat to keep your blood sugar steady, which is important to prevent cravings 

Before I begin, remember to visit The Zeco Recommendation Page for products I recommend for health, fitness & fat-loss. 

The link in the show-notes

Now, let’s begin

I explained above why it is important to keep our blood sugar steady, so now, I will explain how

It really comes down to how to organize your plate.

To begin, I recommend to most people to eat more fiber rich, complex carbs

As far as plate organization

First, even eating complex carbs, I do not recommend eating carbs first

Now, there are exceptions to the rule like if your blood sugar is too low

Before making any dietary changes, please consult a medical or dietary professional.

These are general guidelines, not specific recommendations

Studies show that higher fat meals, typically defined as meals with more fat, can reduce early responses on blood glucose levels for a few hours. The blood glucose peak was pushed out later and caused a sustained blood glucose response that often carried on for several hours

So, yes, eating fats with your meal can be beneficial in managing blood glucose

Studies also show that higher protein meals began producing a noticeable effect on blood glucose levels 1.5 to 2 hours after being consumed.

So, it stands to reason that eating fats and proteins with our meals can help to keep our blood sugar steady

Couple things I want to highlight:

  1. This is not an excuse to go snacking on high fat foods’
  2. Results & timing vary person

Now, let’s talk fiber

It is well documented that fiber slows down digestion which helps to keep blood sugar steady

This is why complex carbs are richer in fiber than simple carbs

For example an orange is a better option than orange juice

So, I always recommend to download a glycemic load app and use it as a guide

Carbs have the greatest impact on blood glucose, however pairing your carbs, especially complex carbs with fats & proteins and significant slow carb digestion which keeps blood sugar and insulin levels steady.

Even though there is more work to do in this area, this is a hack that can really impact you

The moral of the story is, especially if you are trying to lose weight, consider pairing your carbs

Crush the weekend fam.