Episode185- Do Farmers Really Serve Skittles To Cows?

Welcome to another weekend short of The Matter Over Mind Experience 

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

This weekend I have one question, are farmers feeding skittles to cows?

Well, I will quickly discuss this & explain how it impacts your health 


Let’s begin:

This is an easy topic, but heartbreaking 

You can easily find articles online

Here is one from Newsweek titled ” Dairy Farmer Reveals Surprising Reason Cows Eat Skittles”


It states that an Iowa farmer has shared the exact reason cows across America are fed Skittles and to say the internet is shocked is an understatement.

It explains that Farmers make a mixed ration by mixing various food, grains and nutrients together in one using a machine, in a bid to make every bite identical.

So the cow gets the exact same bite, every single hour of every single day because cows love consistency

Farmers add Skittles to the mix as a sugar and energy source for the cows.

I also left link to this and a BBC article 


Now, how does it impact our health?

Well, it is obvious right?

They say we are what we eat, but I am gonna go further by saying, we are what our meat eat

That’s why eating meat that was fed on grass is better than corn, but now we have to also worry about meat fed with Skittles

I could go down the rabbit hole, but I am really just going to say, for best practice, try to only eat, grass fed & grass finished meat 

I say grass finished because the regulators are learning to get around the rules

Grass fed means that the cow has eaten some grass, but doesn’t mean that it was their entire diet.

Search for grass finished, meaning that their diet is finished with grass 

There it is

Enjoy your weekend fam