Episode190-Why Strength Training Is Our Metabolic Money Maker

Welcome to another weekend short of The Matter Over Mind Experience 

I am your host, Master Trainer & Weight Management Expert, Narado Zeco Powell 

This weekend let’s discuss strength training. 

In fact, I name today’s short, Strength Training Is Our Metabolic Money Maker 

I will break this down to help you understand the benefits of strength training for your metabolism. 

Let’s begin

I have mentioned in many Shorts & Episodes that one of the biggest mistakes we make when we want to lose weight is we do too much cardio 

Now, another mistake we make is to think that cardio isn’t important 

Now, this can sound confusing, so let me explain 

Cardio is important for your cardiovascular health and should be a part of your routine 

In most cases cardio should be in zone 2 which promoted fat oxidation and should not be more than 2- 3 times per week 

Now, let’s discuss strength training 

There are many benefits of strength training, but what I want to focus on here, are the benefits for your metabolism 

Strength training has indirect and direct impacts to your metabolism 

The indirect impact because building lean muscle helps you burn more calories at rest 

The direct impact is similar to cardio done in zone 2, strength training promotes fat oxidation which helps you use fat for energy

Strength training is Your Metabolic Money Maker 

I recommend that strength training should be the foundation of your health or weight management routine 

Make sure to focus on adequate nutrition for recovery which I Will discuss in an upcoming short 

Enjoy your weekend fam!